An NJMCDirect Website used for Internet-based traffic ticket payment to carry out ticket fine payment at their www.njmcdirect.com from the date of offense. Proceed with online en espanol payments while dealing with New Jersey traffic and parking violation tickets. The NJMC e-traffic ticket payment system available only during billing hours (timings differ on weekends & weekdays) handles local traffic violations. The online municipal ticket system allows to perform nj traffic ticket lookup by giving traffic citation number printed on complaint and summons notice. Pay nj traffic ticket by following the on-screen alerts with your american credit card (transaction limit up to $10,000) to NJ State Municipal Court on www.Njmcdirect.com. Traffic Ticket Payment Transaction Online by pleading guilty to Jersey Court prosecutor for traffic violations at nearby new jersey court via NJMCDirect system, at the same time New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission update the driving records.