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  • RE: Raspberry pi 5 with Book worm

    @MikeyH Hi Mike,
    The driver for controlling the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi 5 is finally available. I apologize for the delay. In the end, we had to develop an entirely new driver. This driver can also be used on older versions of Raspberry Pi, provided they are running Linux 5.10 or newer. The documentation for the driver is still being developed. However, everything should be described in the 0410_GPIO and 0411_PWM examples if you install the latest daily build of REXYGEN:


    posted in General discussion
  • RE: REXYGEN 3.0.0 is available

    @Scoobsalamander Hi Kris,
    I am sending the promised example from our developers: A readme file with a brief description is included. Please let us know if anything is unclear.


    posted in Development tools
  • RE: REXYGEN 3.0.0 is available

    @Scoobsalamander Hi Kris, thanks for your question!

    We are still missing the converter from EtherCAT XML files to our driver which is crucial for EtherCAT setup. Do you have any EtherCAT IO modules in your mind? We can prepare a basic example for you so you can modify it according to your needs. What do you think?

    Please, note that the Raspberry Pi is not the best piece of HW for challenging tasks and short communication periods 😉


    posted in Development tools
  • RE: Modbus Tcp/IP communication Rpi(Rexygen)<->PC(Matlab)

    @stepan-ozana Thanks for sharing your solution! Unfortunately, I don't have the required toolboxes to run the script on my computer. However, the code is well-documented and well-organized, which should make it easy for anyone with the necessary Matlab toolboxes to use it without any issues.

    'modbus' requires one of the following:
      Industrial Communication Toolbox
      MATLAB Coder Support Package for NVIDIA Jetson and NVIDIA DRIVE Platforms
    Error in example_ModbusTcpIP_Comm_RpiToPC (line 9)
    m = modbus('tcpip', IP_ADDR,MODBUS_PORT)  %establish communication with the server (client)


    posted in Communication (RS232
  • RE: Modbus Tcp/IP communication Rpi(Rexygen)<->PC(Matlab)

    That's good news. I believe your confusion arises from different terminology. The Master/Slave terminology is used in the original context, which we are still adhering to for now. However, the Server/Client terminology is more commonly used nowadays. In the earlier terminology, the client was referred to as master and the server as slave.

    posted in Communication (RS232
  • RE: REST API communication example

    Thank you for confirmation. I will update the example. Unfortunately, quite large changes occur across Matlab versions, and there are situations where a script from older versions stops working in newer ones.


    posted in Communication (RS232
  • RE: REST API communication example

    Dear Štěpán,
    I can confirm that the Matlab script behaves the same way for me as it does for you. Thanks for reporting the bug. Can you please test the following modified script? This modification works for me:

    clear all;
    serviceUrl = '';
    username = 'admin';
    password = ''; 
    % Data to be written
    value_double = 17.89;
    value_long = 1234;
    value_bool = 1;
    value_string = "External string";
    % URLs of the data points
    url_double = "/api/tasks/rest_api_task/CNR_IN:ycn";
    url_long =   "/api/tasks/rest_api_task/CNI_IN:icn";
    url_bool =   "/api/tasks/rest_api_task/CNB_IN:YCN";
    url_string = "/api/tasks/rest_api_task/CNS_IN:scv";
    % Basic authentication header
    credentials = base64encode([username ':' password]);
    authHeader = ['Basic ' credentials];
    % Writing data type double
    data_double = struct('v', value_double);
    writeData(serviceUrl, url_double, data_double, authHeader);
    % Writing data type long
    data_long = struct('v', value_long);
    writeData(serviceUrl, url_long, data_long, authHeader);
    % Writing data type Boolean
    data_bool = struct('v', value_bool);
    writeData(serviceUrl, url_bool, data_bool, authHeader);
    % Writing data type string
    data_string = struct('v', value_string);
    writeData(serviceUrl, url_string, data_string, authHeader);
    % Function to encode base64
    function encoded = base64encode(str)
        encoder = java.util.Base64.getEncoder();
        encoded = char(encoder.encodeToString(uint8(str)));
    % Function to write data to the server
    function writeData(serviceUrl, url, data, authHeader)
        options = weboptions('RequestMethod', 'post', ...
                             'ContentType', 'json', ...
                             'MediaType', 'application/json', ...
                             'HeaderFields', {'Authorization', authHeader});
            response = webwrite(strcat(serviceUrl, url), data, options);
            disp(['Successfully wrote data to ', url]);
        catch ME
            fprintf('Error writing data to %s:\n%s\n', url, ME.message);


    posted in Communication (RS232
  • RE: Modbus Tcp/IP communication Rpi(Rexygen)<->PC(Matlab)


    Hi Stepan,

    I believe there might be a misunderstanding in the way the connection is being set up. It seems there might be a confusion between the roles of Master and Slave in Modbus TCP communication.

    In Modbus communication, the Slave holds the Modbus table, meaning the Master should connect to the Slave. Therefore, the correct approach should be:

    1. Upload the REXYGEN Slave to your Raspberry Pi.
    2. Try to connect to the Raspberry Pi from Matlab using the following command, where Matlab acts as the Modbus Master:
    m = modbus('tcpip', '', 'Port', 502);

    This way, you are ensuring that the Master (Matlab) is correctly connecting to the Slave (Raspberry Pi with REXYGEN).

    Please let us know if you encounter any further issues.

    Best regards,

    posted in Communication (RS232
  • RE: Custom display component

    @Tourneur Hi,

    glad you made it work!

    Yes, it is possible to make a custom component (separate SVG file). For more details see example "0301-12 HMI with External file".


    posted in REXYGEN HMI Designer
  • RE: Raspberry pi 5 with Book worm

    @MikeyH Hi Mike, I think the fix should be ready within 14 days.

    posted in General discussion