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  • RE: Display alarms in HMI

    Hi Phil,

    Thanks for your question.

    Yes, it is possible using AlarmsTable HMI component - see docs:

    More about the REXYGEN Alarm feature can be found here:

    To create a banner, you can use the Dialog feature, which is part of the Group Animation settings.


    Let me know if I can be of any assistance.


    posted in REXYGEN HMI Designer
  • RE: HMI Designer 3.2.5

    @MikeyH Hi Mike,

    Thanks for reporting this. This is really weird. Please, can you record and share your screen? E.g. using online tool

    Kind regards,

    posted in REXYGEN HMI Designer
  • RE: HMI Designer 3.2.5

    @MikeyH Hi Mike!

    Do you use the same versions of Development tools and REXYGEN Runtime?

    The TRND not providing any data seems to be disabled - is it active in the running project?

    The error message about parsing the output can be omitted - the extension returns something which throws this error. It won't affect the behaviour of the HMI. We will try to fix it. Can you share your source files with us?

    Kind regards,

    posted in REXYGEN HMI Designer
  • RE: Count example

    @bech Hi John,

    There is the exec counter feature built into the REXYGEN diagnostics. And it is accessible via special signals. The example you are looking for is "0001 Special Signals", and the parameter is excnt.

    Thanks for your comment. We are working on better interconnection between the Function block documentation and the Example library. For now, you can use search input within the Examples library to help you find the right example.

    Let me know if it helped.

    Kind Regards,

    posted in REXYGEN Studio
  • RE: HMI Designer 3.2.5

    @MikeyH Hi Mike,

    The version you have is correct. The issue is in running the HMI Designer without proper initialization. Try to run the Designer via REXYGEN TrayMon (see the screenshot)


    The thing is that you need to tell the Designer which REXYGEN version is valid. The reason for this is that one Designer version is shared among all REXYGEN versions, so you don't have to install all Designer things every time you install a new REXYGEN version. If you run Designer without this connection, it won't work. Running the Designer via TrayMon should solve this.

    Kind regards,

    posted in REXYGEN HMI Designer
  • RE: Update REXcore etc on Monarco

    @MikeyH Hi Mike,

    Yes, your assumption is right. Always try to have the same versions both on your PC and on your target device.
    The update process depends on the state of your OS image. If you don't need any fixed version of other packages for some reason, I would perform an upgrade of the whole OS:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade

    If it won't help, you will probably need to change the location of the REXYGEN packages - for more details, see Chapter "Manual installation" in the documentation provided with the 3.0.3 Development tools.

    Let me know if it helps.


    posted in Development tools
  • RE: EKF example

    Thanks, that looks great! I'll modify the schema a little more to match the conventions of the other blocks and include it in the installation.

    posted in REXYGEN Studio
  • RE: EKF example

    @stepan-ozana Thank you for your valuable insights! Your contribution to the collection of examples is greatly appreciated.

    In the original '' file mentioned at the beginning of this thread, the timing parameters were incorrectly set—my apologies for that. The best way to correct them is by changing the start and stop values in the task1 block to -1, as outlined in the manual. The log message 'CoreWarning GTimer: Period overtime.' appears whenever the task execution exceeds the maximum allowed time, which can be observed in Diagnostics. If this warning appears in the log while the Max time in Diagnostics does not exceed the allocated execution time (20 ms in the case of, it indicates an error.

    We would greatly appreciate any further insights and improvements from your side. I had planned to simulate measurement noise similarly to your approach—by adding white noise to the measurement vector—but I hadn’t considered process noise. For your reference, I’m sharing the updated version of the example, which includes your reference model and the corrected timing parameters.


    posted in REXYGEN Studio
  • RE: EKF example

    First of all, thank you very much for adding the reference model. If you agree, I would like to add this model to the example on EKF, which is already part of the daily version of REXYGEN.

    As for the timing. I think the problem may be in the Python block, which takes significantly longer to execute than the native blocks. Try looking in the Diagnostics and at the statistics on the execution of the task.

    posted in REXYGEN Studio
  • RE: Exchanging data between tasks

    @carvin Hi carvin,

    thanks for your feedback. I would suggest to use the SRTF function block with some certain subsystem (e.g. "sybsystem_slow") within your fast task.

    Would that solve your issue?


    posted in REXYGEN Studio