@stepan-ozana Thank you for your valuable insights! Your contribution to the collection of examples is greatly appreciated.
In the original 'EKF.zip' file mentioned at the beginning of this thread, the timing parameters were incorrectly set—my apologies for that. The best way to correct them is by changing the start and stop values in the task1 block to -1, as outlined in the manual. The log message 'CoreWarning GTimer: Period overtime.' appears whenever the task execution exceeds the maximum allowed time, which can be observed in Diagnostics. If this warning appears in the log while the Max time in Diagnostics does not exceed the allocated execution time (20 ms in the case of EKF.zip), it indicates an error.
We would greatly appreciate any further insights and improvements from your side. I had planned to simulate measurement noise similarly to your approach—by adding white noise to the measurement vector—but I hadn’t considered process noise. For your reference, I’m sharing the updated version of the example, which includes your reference model and the corrected timing parameters.
Linear system.zip