SPI Communication / Rexlang / RelayPlate / DAQCPlate
Hello, my name is Paul. I try to build a "sandwich" with RaspberryPi 3B+ and 2x RelayPlate (https://pi-plates.com/relayr1/) and 1x DAQCPlate (https://pi-plates.com/daqcr1/) by the SPI transmission. When I using Python's example Raspberry working with boards, but I can't do this by the Rexygen...
I try build soft with a https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=230556 and example from Rexygen - mcp23s17 but this don't work. When I checked by Saleae logic Analyzer, SPI try to work.
Maybe sb try to do this?
Hi Paul,
thanks for reaching out. You can now integrate Python scripts within REXYGEN 2.50.10 - for upgrade see post https://forum.rexygen.com/topic/120/installation-of-rexygen-2-50-10-testing
Python block documentaton: https://www.rexygen.com/doc/ENGLISH/MANUALS/BRef/PYTHON.html#x272-27100016
Let us know if it helped.
Tomas -
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