Archive Export
I have the archive function set to store to disk. Is there a way to retrieve this archive using SSH, Rexygen Diagnostics, or other? If so, what format is the file, the file name, and directory, and how do I interpret it?
Hi Russel,
starting REXYGEN version 2.50.10 there is linux command line utility called RexArc available. It allows you to convert archive files to CSV/JSON files with specified parameters such as custom header, filters, etc.
Install procedure:
apt update apt install rexarc
RexArc --help
-yNo` -sm+ .oo. +Ny- `oNy: .omMMMMm: .omMMMMd. `+dMMMMd+` .hMMMMmo. :mMMMMmo. oMMMMMMMMMy. oMMMMMMMMN/ :NMMMMMMMMN: /NMMMMMMMMo .yMMMMMMMMMo :mMMMMMMMMN+` +NMMMMMMMMy` /NMMMMMMN/ `yMMMMMMMMN+ `+NMMMMMMMMm: `oNMMMMMMMMh. .hMMMMMMMMm- .dMMMMm- -dMMMMMMMMh. .hMMMMMMMMNo` -hMMMMMMMMN+ oNMMMMMMMN/ `hMMh` /NMMMMMMMNo` /NMMMMMMMMh- +NMMMMMMMMy` :mMMMMMMMM+ `yy` +NMMMMMMMm: `yMMMMMMMMN+ .hMMMMMMMMm- .dMMMMMMMMs oMMMMMMMMd. -dMMMMMMMMh. `oNMMMMMMMN/ `yMMMMMMMMy` sMMMMMMMMh` /NMMMMMMMNo` :mMMMMMMMNo `sMMMMMMMMy` oMMMMMMMy` +NMMMMMMMm: .dMMMMMMMMs oMMMMMMMMy oMMMMMs oMMMMMMMMd. `hMMMMMMMMs oMMMMMMMMy sMMMs sMMMMMMMMh` `yMMMMMMMMy oMMMMMMMMs hMs sMMMMMMMMy` sMMMMMMMMs sMMMMMMMM+ `o sMMMMMMMMy sMMMMMMMMo yMMMMMMMM: oMMMMMMMMy yMMMMMMMM+ `dMMMMMMMN. /MMMMMMMMy _____ ________ ____ _______ ______ _ _ | __ \| ____\ \ / /\ \ / / ____| ____| \ | | | |__) | |__ \ V / \ \_/ / | __| |__ | \| | | _ /| __| > < \ /| | |_ | __| | . ` | | | \ \| |____ / . \ | | | |__| | |____| |\ | |_| \_\______/_/ \_\ |_| \_____|______|_| \_| RexArc is an utility to export data from REXYGEN Archives. Usage: RexArc [OPTION]... [ARCHIVE_NAME] e.g. Export all data to a JSON file: RexArc my_archive > out.json e.g. Export all data to a CSV file with header: RexArc --csv --csv-header "Archive export \n Date; Time; DataType; ; ; Item ID; Data1" my_archive > out.csv e.g. Export data in a specified timespan: RexArc -ft1 "2019-01-01 00:00:00,000" -ft2 "2019-01-01 01:00:00,000" my_archive e.g. Export data for specified IDs only: RexArc -f 1..3,5 my_archive General options: -h, --help show this manual -v, --version show program version -s, --scan scan the input path for available archives -fn, --archive archive name to export data from, can be also specified as last parameter -ic, --item-count maximum count of items to export -i, --input path to 'arc' directory or single '.rea' file, default value is '/rex/arc' -o, --output path to output file, if not specified, output is directed to stdout -ve, --verbose verbose mode Filter options: -ft1, --from-timestamp from time -ft2, --until-timestamp until time -f, --filter-id filter data by ID, e.g. 1..5,8,10..20 -nd, --no-data filter out data -ne, --no-events filter out events -nl, --no-log filter out log messages JSON only options: -p, --pretty-print pretty-prints the output when exporting to JSON -itc, --item-total-count include a total count of items available, useful when exporting limited number of items using --item-count to tell the total count of items that would be exported if --item-count is not used CSV only options: -cf, --csv exports data to CSV format, default format is JSON -ch, --csv-header specifies custom header for exported CSV, delimiters for next cell ';' and new line '\n' are supported -ccf, --csv-column-filter specifies the column filter, e.g. 1..5,8,10..20 -dscl, --delimiter-semicol use semicolon as column delimiter instead of comma -dspc, --delimiter-space use space as column delimiter instead of comma -dtab, --delimiter-tab use tab as column delimiter instead of comma
Kind Regards,
Tomas -
Where can I find list of all these extra applications?
@kotrbus Hi Pavel, there is just RexArc for now. We are aware that it does not have that much publicity - we would like to improve it in next release.