REXduino - REXLANG Error
I have a big problem with communication between the Raspberry PI and the ArduinoMega2560. RPI stoped communication with Arduino after the error, see below. It happens several times per a day. I use REXYGEN, Arduino IDE 1.8.12 and REXduino master/slave version 2.2.0.
Thanks for the reply.
Best regards.
@mtomek Hi Michal,
it seems that the problem occurs when REXYGEN sends some user data to Arduino and Arduino responds. Are you using userSendV input of the Arduino_MEGA2560hex block?Cheers,
Jan -
@reitinge Hi Jan,
I don't use the userSend input of block Arduino_MEGA2560Hex.
@mtomek It occurs to me that you do not have the latest version of REXduino block library. The Arduino_MEGA2560hex block should have the last input and output named userSendV and userRecvV. Please, download the git repository and look into REXduino_master/Examples/51_MEGA2560hex_IO.
If you downloaded the new version of REXduino recently, you should replace the original Arduino_MEGA block with a new one. Also, please update the REXduino_master.c script and upload a new REXduino_slave.ino sketch into Arduino.
@reitinge Hi Jan,
I had downloaded the latest version 2.2.0 of the Rexduino library. The problem was that I only replaced the REXduino_master.c library, but I forgot replace the REXduino_library.mdl library. So I have an old function block left in the project.
Now the error didn´t appear.
Thank you so much for the solution.
Best regards
Michal -
@mtomek Hi Michal,
you are welcome. I'm glad the problem has been fixed.Cheers,