Issues with data logging
I have a system that have few components:
1 - Monarco with Rexygen and modbus driver
2- Coriolis flow controller with ModBus protocol
3- Analog data logger also controlled by Modbus protocol with a pressure transducer read by it
4- Servo actuated valve.All the Modbus commands and data works fine. The signals from the flow controller, pressure transducer are linked to a TRND block. The ARC block is set.
The problem is that the data is not always correctly stored - even after correcting RTC issues, some experiments end at the wrong time stamps at the CSV file... Other times entirely groups of experiments just vanishes. I can not access the data from any other day besides the current one....
Please..... how is the correct way to properly set the ARC and TRND blocks to register the signals with good time resolution?
Hi Bruno,
sorry for a late response. Could you please post here a print screen of your ARC and TRND blocks properties? I assume that you have RexArc installed on your device with commandsudo apt install rexarc
and you export data from the archive to CSV using a command in RexArc (please, correct me if you are using different approach). Could you please copy this command as well?How much difference is there in time stamps? Can't it be caused by a wrong set time zone? In the ARC block, there is a parameter ldaymax. This parameter set the maximum size of archive per day (see doc here. This could be the reason why some data is missing.
Best regards,