Hi Tomas,
Thank you for your quick and precise response -- this is precisely what I was looking for.
Hi Tomas,
Thank you for your quick and precise response -- this is precisely what I was looking for.
We're looking for an example showing how to count the number of times a task has iterated. We know this is possible using the REXLANG block, but it seems it should also be possible (and simpler) using the COUNT block. (We also want to use the nmax/Q option on the block.) I guess we need access to a rising edge that is triggered at the start of each block.
Or perhaps there is a predefined internal variable with the task count? That would also be convenient.
General comment: It would be nice to include at least one basic example for each entry in the Reference Manual (e.g., after the current text). It would also be nice to have your library of examples be accessible from the web.
(Or are they? I can't find them.)
@Jan-Reitinger Thank you. We are in the process of trying to understand the example better and to start to modify for our case. Any documentation or comments on the supplied example that you have time for would be welcome.
I would like to use the EKF (extended Kalman filter) block. I have seen a very complicated example via my colleague, but it has too many extraneous parts to be understandable.
Our case is very simple. To give the simplest form, consider a pendulum, theta''[t] + sin[theta] = u[t], where u is a deterministic (known) input signal. We measure theta[t] (has noise) and want to estimate the velocity theta'[t] via the EKF. The measurements are rapid enough, relative to the period, that a simple discrete time EKF (e.g. Euler step) should be fine. So no fancy integration techniques are needed.
Does someone know how to set up such an example for the EKF block (or have something equivalent)? That would help us a lot. Thanks!