Hi, I'm not so good at english, so I use links to explain. Sorry for that.
So I try communicate with car engine control unit. Using this shield ->
I made settings to /boot/config.txt what shield user manual wanted, and install can-utils what include that cansniffer. -> https://github.com/linux-can/can-utils
Using this I'm able to receive data properly.
If I open /etc/rexcore/rexcore.env.d/80-candrvt.sh there is no line REX_CAN_DEV=can0
Only ->
#for setting CAN-Network-interface bitrate uncomment next line ant set devicename and bitrate
#ip link set can0 type can bitrate 1000000 restart -ms 1000
#ip link set can0 up
exit 0
I try uncomment 1, 3 and 4 line, set bitrate 500000, but no help. Before this, after reboot need use those same ip link commands to get cansniffer work, but now there is no need use those, so think maybe it's right settings?
I use a demo license, I guess it doesn't matter?
I use example project 0406-01 station 2, only change Can0_recv block filterId -> 0x288. Also try second time use FilterIdMask 0x1 instead 0xFFF
Using cansniffer it looks like ->
288 05 57 13 00 00 5B 00 00
388 83 02 00
480 15 20 00 00 00 00 00 00