Simulate project without target connected
I just start to learn the topology of Rexygen.
And I already have one project in head.But one question, if I understood correctly, ther is no way to test a project without target connected ?
If I would like to test my project step by step, see the correct evolution, and check the HMI design, my target is alway connected ?
There is no possibility to simulate the project without the target connected ?
Like a virtual connection ?Even for a little parameter modification ?
Thanks for any replie
@Tourneur Hi Ludovic,
Thank you for your question. We understand the need to test the project without the final HW solution. Therefore it is possible to run REXYGEN RexCore even on Windows machines. Instead of filling in the target IP address in Connection Dialog fill in "localhost" (or Just apply for a DEMO licence on the Windows machine (development PC) and you have 2 hours of testing without any other limitations. After 2 hours restart the RexCore and continue evaluating.
The constraint is that not all drivers are valid for Windows (e.g. RPiDrv). However, even in those cases, it is possible to simulate the outer world using SimDrv. However, most projects will run independently on the target platform.
If you require any other information just let us know.
Cheers, Tomas
Hello, Cechurat
Thanks a lot for the quick replie, of my question
And maxi apologies for my very late replie !
Ok, if I understood correctly,
First of all,
I insall a virtual machine wich receive the same system of (in my case) Raspberry Pi.
After that,
I install Rex Core, inside with the same parameter used for a Raspberry Pi.
If everything is ok,
I etablish the virtual link, by the IP adress given in you replie.
Every virtual machine can be used, or only SimDrv ?
I have Virtual box installed in my system, and seen that support linux and Debian.Thanks you so much
@Tourneur Hi Ludovic,
What OS system do you use on your development PC? If Windows there is no need to install anything else except REXYGEN Development Tools. When you hit the "Compile and Download" button (F6) you will be asked by Connection Dialog to locate your target device. Just fill in Afterwards, you will be asked if you want to run RexCore locally - confirm. Your project will be downloaded to the RexCore running on your Windows machine.
Cheers, Tomas
Hello, Cechurat,
It is windows 11,
Ok, so good if Rex Core is automatically installed with Rex Studio.
I will check that when I comme back to my house this Monday.
Thank for this information
All my apologies for this very late replying, and status of my advancement.
Unfortunately, I left completely the idea of using simulation without real target connected.
I tryed to compare the use of Rexygen with Profilab Expert, which is for me a really, and really compfortable software.
Particularly, when you are not familiary with all the complexity of programming environnement.But yes, now, I see it's completly different, and I must re-see all my vision of Rexygen.
I finally decided to use a real target, and follow the tutorial in the documentation.
I arrived to put in place an interactive comunication with the target and my ethernet devices.
You understand lot of thing when system running, for example, i won't understood the machine interface is a web page.
Now I could, thing a little bit deeper in the working of the rexstudio.
Particularly, with Nextape, for a particular project.
I will put my question in HMI topic.Have a good end day