Hello, Jan,
First of all,
All my apologies, for my very late replying.
After, reading and re-reading of documentation, in particular the "appendix A of Graphical HMI, with Rexygen Designer"
I came back to my house, and I rebuild completly my system task.
And tryed some tricks, to find my miscelanous issues.
First of all, I renamed my HMI saved file (in my case) "Ecam_DC.svg", by "e.g.designer.hmi".
A note described on the chapter, explain :
"If you want to replace the WeBuDi interface with Rexygen HMI designer interface just delete the index.hmi.js and save the HMI as index.hmi.svg"
At this point, I didn't know if I have to put a virgin note noted "index.hmi.svg"
So I decided, to not put anything.
None notes in the hmisrc file.
Neither "index.hmi.svg", neither "index.hmi.js"
I realized a task with a time generator connected to a display, and configurate the Aliase corresponding to the display in my HMI design.
After some settings, my display run correctly in the page.
Seconds simulate Volts (with no decimals).
On picture it is frozen, but with running program the display (BAT 1 voltage), count every second.
After that it could be interesting to show or not the green bars, but I will see after.
Cause in the real use of ELEC DC system, if system is not present, barrs are not visibles.
You can check the picture below
I could try next a little project, with a simple control, sliding or push button, and see if working.
If it will be succefful, I do not think with not pass to licence mode ...
When I spoke (written), etablishing a UART link between the target and a local host (in occurence one Arduino board), It's at the absolutely end of the project.
I just responded to your question with sensoring values.
Before do that I have to mastering a "little bit more" the using of Rexygen.
At this time, I am just a little newbie, not again a master Jedi of Rexygen...
At this point, I have always not understood, the useful of the notes explained in the documentation.
Particularly this one
"If you want to replace the WeBuDi interface with Rexygen HMI designer interface just delete the index.hmi.js and save the HMI as index.hmi.svg"
Thanks for your great patience