Hi there, is it possible to create an alarm banner in the HMI program to display active & previous alarms?
Posts made by contactform
Display alarms in HMI
Communication with USBRLY82
I am trying to connect to a USBRLY82 (RobotElectronics) board over serial port (ttyACM0).I have no problem sending commands to the board and action relays on it. Where I am facing issues is reading the DI status from the board and that is because to read the state of those DI’s I need to first Write() to the board and the board will send back the status once it receives the command. The value returned by the board is the value that I am trying to get. I can not get it through Read() since the Write() is non-blocking and by the time it get’s executed, the data sent by the USBRLY82 board as an answer, is not there anymore.
Is there anything that can help me with this? The read and write commands in REXLANG C-like are non-blocking. Can you please let me know if there is anything that I can do about it?
Best regards,
George -
Integer Overflow
What does the Count function block do when the 32 bit Integer count is exceeded?
How to choose string using HMI?
If you use the SELSOCT block you can choose which string you want to use by using the isw input. But how can you change the isw input with several buttons in the hmi page?
Multiscreen application
How can a multiscreen application be made?
With Multiscreen I refer to several screens to visualize data or statistics. For example, a speed statistic on one screen and on another screen the Start, stop, counters, etc. buttons to control a motor.
In short, a single touch monitor and several application screens to visualize data and perform maneuvers.
I hope I have explained.
Thank you so much
Juan -
Counting minutes in REXYGEN
is there any way that I can count how many minutes an input is high? On a Unipi with REXYGEN on it.Thanks!
Putting source files into target device
is there a way to put the "source code" into the target device, so if I want to use REXYGEN Studio on another dev station I can load the project files from the device? -
Switch to different HMI webpage in case of Alarm
can I remotely change the webpage of the HMI, for instance in case of alarm, i'll switch to the concern webpage?Thanks
HMI with multiple pages
How can i make multiple hmi pages?
And how to navigate to those pages form the home page?
Met vriendelijke groet / With regards,
Michel Croes -
Help with function blocks
Hi there,
I was wondering if could get some help with choosing the correct block/s for the below process?
Use a boolean input to capture/get/display a point in time. i.e. pressing a pushbutton, captures/displays the the time “17:30:02”.
Use a different boolean to reset the above time to “00:00:00”.
I was thinking about using the “DATETIME” block but there doesn’t appear to be a method of resetting it to zero/nothing?
Many thanks,
Phil -
Read Raspberry Pi System Information
is it possible within REXYGEN to read system variables from the Raspberry Pi , such as System temperature, processor load, cpu / memory usage etc?Best Regards
How to force DbDrv to write the data every 5 minutes (xx:00,xx:05,xx:10, ...)?
I have our controllers writing values every 5 minutes to a database server. It starts pushing 5 minutes from upload to target. Would it be possible to have it to do it on the minute every 5 minutes(5:00,5:05,5:10)? This makes it easier for analytics.Regards,
George -
Looping 3 LEDs on 3 different pins
I'm trying to loop 3 LEDs in a way such that the 1st LED (green) will run for 45 sec, then the 2nd one (orange) for 15 sec and then the 3rd one (red) for 5 sec and then the Green one again. None of them run together.Thank you for your help!
Measuring water flow with UniPi
I need advice which REXYGEN system function block to use for water flow measurement. The sensor is connected to my UniPi v1.1 and gives me input 200-400Hz (according to the flow). I need to measure the flow every second. I tried using the COUNT block, but no success. Illustrative image is attached.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Karel -
Arduino Mega - analog inputs
I run REXYGEN version 2.50.8 on RPI with Arduino Mega - REXduino. I'd like to use analog input pins. On pins I want to bring the output from the ampmeter up to 1V. I suppose I will be able to read and process this voltage.I don't understand, but the output of analog pins. In the setup, I turned on Pins A0, A1, A2 and A12, A13, A14 for the test. Other Pins are off and I have nothing connected to any analog pins yet. However, some values are displayed on some pin which are not enabled. I'm using Arduino Mega clone. See the attachment for pin settings and displayed values.
I will be glad for your opinion or advice.
Interfacing SX1509 pin expander
I am really impressed with Rexygen.I have a question about I2C support on Raspberry Pi. I have SX1509 pin expanders that I would like to interface with. Is this possible?
Chris -
RE: Raspberry Pi and Click PLC, Modbus TCP
Hi again,
I’ve attached the System log and the REXYGEN project as you requested.I did some additional checking and now believe it is a communication timeout issue. I tried playing with the modbus timeout numbers without much success.
However, it is now clear that the system will always read the first two registers in the Configure list. Sometimes it will read the first 3, never all 4.
The log file confirms the time out issue. You can see where DS23 was timing out, then I stopped and changed the register order, then DS23 was OK and DS22 was timing out.
I’ve included the CLICK project. It is only a few rungs long and is a bench test of this modbus communication system.
Tom -
Delay function in REXLANG
Is there any time delay function in C file including in REXLANG?
Tobby Lin -
Raspberry Pi and Click PLC, Modbus TCP
Good day,
I have been using the trial version of Rexygen with a Raspberry Pi 3B+. I use Studio on a Win10 machine.
I have successfully tried several examples with inputs/Outputs on the RPi.
I have run into a problem in getting the RPi to talk to a remote plc over Modbus TCP. The plc is an Automation Direct Click.
I designed the project on the Studio and downloaded to the RPi. Initially, I was reading two registers on the plc without a problem using the Watch.
Then, I went into Studio, and added two more registers to read. I downloaded to RPi and Watched. The original two registers read properly, but the two new ones show “0” on red banner.
If I go to Configure and change the register addresses, the original two tags will read correctly, but the other two show the red error banner.
Is there a limitation on the number of registers to read? I have attached screen captures in the hopes you can give me some other things to check.
Thank you!
Tom -
RE: SPI communication in REXLANG
Thanks ! It worked !
other problems:- How to assign a value to spi_bufTx[0] if I need SPI_MODE0 = 0 and MSBFIRST?
( spi_bufTx[0] = ___ ; //SPI data mode (0-3 mode, | 4=CS_HIGH | 8=LSB_FIRST | 16=3WIRE | 32=LOOP | 64=NO_CS | 128=READY) ) - Is there any time delay function in C file including in REXLANG?
- Can I decide the value of CS0 (GPIO8 of raspberry pi) by setting up CS0 =1 or 0 in C file?
Best Regards,
Tobby Lin - How to assign a value to spi_bufTx[0] if I need SPI_MODE0 = 0 and MSBFIRST?