HMI Designer 3.2.5
Hi All,
Any reason HMI Designer 3.2.5 (c049b2ff4e, 2023-02-13, custom) does not have the REXYGEN HMI extension when installed?
Have I downloaded the wrong program?
Mike -
@MikeyH Hi Mike,
The version you have is correct. The issue is in running the HMI Designer without proper initialization. Try to run the Designer via REXYGEN TrayMon (see the screenshot)
The thing is that you need to tell the Designer which REXYGEN version is valid. The reason for this is that one Designer version is shared among all REXYGEN versions, so you don't have to install all Designer things every time you install a new REXYGEN version. If you run Designer without this connection, it won't work. Running the Designer via TrayMon should solve this.
Kind regards,
Tomas -
@cechurat Hi Tomas,
That makes sense and worked perfectly, getting this error now. What have I done to get this?
Mike -
I can connect and select the path etc
I then get the parsed error
It's a bit different than I remember and I can't seem to export the HMI svg etc, has that changed?
ok I've got it exported, now. I just synced the project compile with the HMI designer open and it worked. But now the TRND graph doesn't show the data. If does briefly when changing the time line.
It works if I give the Y axis a min/max range, but i though it would auto adjust?
I'm also getting this for the logger too, but can't work out why, any ideas?
@MikeyH Hi Mike!
Do you use the same versions of Development tools and REXYGEN Runtime?
The TRND not providing any data seems to be disabled - is it active in the running project?
The error message about parsing the output can be omitted - the extension returns something which throws this error. It won't affect the behaviour of the HMI. We will try to fix it. Can you share your source files with us?
Kind regards,
Tomas -
@cechurat Hi Tomas,
My versions are below.
The parse error has gone now. What seems to happen now is after I set the connect strings in the HMI configuration, it doesn't save them so are always blank when I open it again.
Thanks for your help with this
@MikeyH Hi Mike,
Thanks for reporting this. This is really weird. Please, can you record and share your screen? E.g. using online tool
Kind regards,